Episode 119: Paul Cater-Fly Wheel Training

“Coming from American football and into rugby and getting my mind blown with the conditioning levels that these guys had. Working for 80 minutes and carry a lot of muscle mass, and I thought a couple of the benefits of the flywheel were perfect for the conditioning effects.”

Paul Cater joins us today to discuss everything fly wheel training. Paul starts out with us sharing how he got introduced to the fly wheel. Next he touches upon the benefits of using the fly wheel vs gravity based resistance, and how his work with rugby really molded his thought process on it. We then touch upon the American style of training vs the European style. Coach Cater finishes off discussing the hows and why’s of blending the flywheel with traditional barbell training. Make sure to give him a follow on Instagram, he puts out some really awesome stuff with the fly wheel: @coach_cater


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