Episode 118: Jeremy Frisch-A Long Term Athletic Development Model Requires Physical Education

“Having kids started this thinking because I wanted them to have access and I wanted them to be exposed to, you know, not just training, but enough movement as they’re growing up so when they do get older weather they play sports or not they want to be competent movers so they can go out and do fun stuff and not be stuck, hurt, or out of shape, or overweight or any of those things. So, I wanted to start them on the right foot.”

Today we are joined by Jeremy Frisch to share his Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) Model. Jeremy first starts out sharing with us where the idea for the model he has developed came from and how the program has evolved with USA Football. Jeremy then breaks it down, piece by piece, and step by step to how the program is moving and the progressions they are implementing. His plan allows for fluid progression and regressions based on maturity and development that is absolutely fantastic. For more, make sure you follow him on twitter: @JeremyFrisch and instagram: @achieve_performance to see more of what they’re doing with their program.


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