Episode 114: Matt Wenning, Ludus Magnus- A Look at Training, Both Present and Future

“Obviously you can train harder when your younger but the philosophy is the same, which is, where are you weak and how do we fix these area’s so you’re less prone to injury, so we can train harder?”-Matt Wenning

Matt Wenning joins us to discuss programming and the direction the world of training needs to move.  After starting out with a brief background, Matt dives right into discussing some of the issues he sees in the world of training today. He touches upon the complexity of training, people rushing results, and the role of programming in recovery.  Having learned from some of the best of the best in the iron game, Matt has been guided by and learned from fantastic coaches helping him build his programming. His “planning” is extremely similar even looking across platforms with tactical athletes (fire fighters and military), team sport athletes, general population, or lifters. He starts out looking specify at their weaknesses and the most common issues/injuries that occur within the sport/activity. This includes exactly how he breaks this down and looks at it to adjust training for both single clients and how he alters it for larger groups. Matt then breaks down some aspects of his programming including specific exercises he has selected. His break down of this includes exercise selection, reasons he selects those means, and what he is looking for to determine that selection. This leads him right into where he see’s specialized/specific exercise in the realm of training and why he feels these are moving further away from where we need to train people based on the obesity epidemic, and how that’s impacting basic training. He finishes out with sharing with us the direction training is going and the reasons behind it.


Keep up with Matt and all the awesome content he’s sharing at the following:

Twitter: @RealMattWenning

Instagram: @realmattwenning

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/realmattwenning/

Matt’s Website: https://www.wenningstrength.com


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