Anatoliy Bondarchuk – “Developing Max Strength”

Dr. Anatoliy Bondarchuk is renowned as an athlete (1972 Olympic and European Champion in the hammer throw as well as a former World Record Holder) and coach. He developed the USSR National Team throws program from 1976 to 1992, from which he produced numerous World and Olympic Champions in the Hammer, Discus and Shot Put. From 1992-2004 he was coaching for Portugal and Kuwait.

Dr. Bondarchuk is a Doctor of Pedagogical Science (University of Kiev) whose research into technique and high-performance training methods formed the basis for many of the common techniques and practices used by the world’s top athletes today. A common focus is training to maintain performance and technique. He has authored 11 books and 195 articles in his areas of expertise.

For the City of Kamloops this is an unprecedented opportunity for the coaches and athletes of the sport of athletics to learn and excel under one of the greatest coaches in the sport’s history. With the City’s new 37.5 million dollar upgrade to its current athletics facilities, which include a fully competitive throws competition and training venue, this great news ensures that the athletes of Kamloops and its surrounding region are going to be in one of the most enriching and productive athletic environments in the entire world. It is the goal of the Kamloops Track and Field Club to ensure that all athletes in the sport of Athletics locally, provincially, and nationally thrive under Dr. Bondarchuk’s guidance. To this end we are fully committed.

Major Championship Victories (men’s hammer throwers only, all performances achieved by athletes under Dr. Bondarchuk’s direction):
1976 Olympic Games, Montreal – Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists.
1978 European Championships, Prague – Gold medallist
1979 World Cup, Montreal – Gold medallist
1980 Olympic Games, Moscow – Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists.
1982 European Champ., Athens – Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists.
1983 World Championship, Helsinki – Gold and Silver medallists.
1984 World Cup, Belgrade – Gold medallist
1985 European and World Cup, Canberra – Gold medallist
1986 European Champs, Frankfurt – Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists.
1987 World Championships, Rome – Gold and Silver medallists.
1988 Olympic Games, Seoul – Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists.
1989 European Champs, Yugoslavia – Gold and Silver medallists.
1991 World Championships, Tokyo – Gold and Silver medallists.
1992 Olympic Games, Barcelona – Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists.

Dr. Bondarchuk’s athletes, while members of the USSR National Team, broke 12 World Records and won all hammer throw medals in 4 consecutive non-boycotted Olympic Games. In addition to the above, the following are examples of results that his athletes have achieved:

Yuri Sedych – Olympic Champion (1976, 1980), Silver Medal Olympic Games (Seoul), World Champion (1991), European Champion (1978, 1982, 1986). 6 Time World Record Holder (still current record holder – 86.74m set in 1986), best result: 86.74m.
Sergey Litvinov – Olympic Champion (1988), Silver Medal Olympic Games (Moscow), World Champion (1983, 1987). 3 Time World Record Holder, best result: 86.14m.
Andrey Abduvalyev – Olympic Champion (1992), World Champion (1993, 1994) best result – 83.60m.
Yuri Tamm – Bronze medal Olympic Games (Moscow, Seoul), World Cup Champion (1985) and European Cup Champion (1985). Former World Record Holder, best result – 84.40m.
A. Krykun – Bronze Medal Olympic Games (Atlanta), best result-80.46m. A. Debely – World Junior Champion (1989, Athens). Best result – 79.98m.
In total Dr. Bondarchuk has coached 17 athletes over 80m in the hammer throw.

D. Armstrong – Champion of Canada (2006-08), 4th – 2008 Olympics, 21.04m
A. Baryshnikov – Silver Medal Olympic Games 1980 – 22.00m World Record
B. Stepansky – Champion of Ukraine (1989) – 20.89m
A. Samolik – Champion of Ukraine (1990), best result – 20.52m.
D. Kovzun – Champion of Ukraine (1987), best result – 19.35m.
E. Koslova – Champion of Europe (1987) (junior), 19.99m
S. Butova -18.56m.
D. Kovzun – Champion of USSR, 68.62m.
A. Mandyk – Champion of Ukraine, 62.84m.
C. Savinkova – Silver Medal European Championship (1982), Silver Medal in World Cup (1985), Former World Record Holder, 73.26m.
S. Suchova – Champion of Ukraine, 66.50m.

1 thought on “Anatoliy Bondarchuk – “Developing Max Strength””

  1. Coach Herbert Johnson

    WOW. . . I first came in contact about Dr. Bondurchuk by accident a little over a month ago. I have been gaining more and more information every day.

    At his point I am still opening my mind to his methods without being bias from my previous methods.

    His ideas remind me and feel like a highly developed approach of related and imitative approaches I am familiar with through Dr. Ken Doherty. Dr. Bondarchuk’ success is well documented and very impressive.

    I am still studying it and over a year or two hope to grasp and understand how to functionally use his methods with my athletes. I appluad your site for allowiing myself to hear from his mouth the mouth himself. Wonderful.

    You have also given me another to study Dr. Yessis.

    Thank you,
    Herbert A. Johnson, Jr.
    Herbert Johnson Track and Field Academy, Charleston, SC

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