My Thoughts Monday #9: Bob Alejo-What is the state and future of the profession?

mtm-logo“So, let’s stop all the complaining. Let’s come up with a solution. What we don’t need is observations and advise. What we need are announcements. We are announcing what we are doing. Let’s start changing activity into accomplishment.”-Bob Alejo

This edition of My Thoughts Monday is a topic that Bob has discussed openly online, and that is the state and future of the strength and conditioning profession.  Coach Alejo discusses what he sees in Big XII Commissioner’s statement of how they plan on evaluating strength coaches.  Bob calls for our involvement in this process and for coaches to become more involved in making policy by being Associate Athletic Director in Charge of Performance, and report directly to the Athletics Director.  This will allow for messages not to be crossed because the person will know the world of training, the language utilized, and the role of the strength coach so there can now be a comprehensive performance review.

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