The Drew Review: Man Up: The 5 Areas of Focus to Guarantee Your Athletic Success by Justin Kavanaugh

drew-review“You have to find your why for doing whatever it is in life you want to do.” – J. Kavanaugh.

If you have ever met Coach Kav, then you know he wears his heart on his sleeve. Also, he is incredibly straight forward and his book Man Up is no different. When reading this book you will feel like you are getting one giant pep talk to go after that one thing you care about most. This book is certainly geared towards athletes and helps to encourage them to have a narrow focus to achieve their goals. The simplicity to which this book is presented is its’ best feature to me, but the one drawback might be the randomness to some of the examples given to support ideas. If you have an athlete that needs a pick-me-up or just needs help reframing their mindset after a rough situation this could be the book to bring them out of the depths of despair.

KavMan Up is quick read, and consists of 5 sections. Each section covers a different aspect that Coach Kav believes is integral to athletic success. The acronym of BALLS (Balance, Accountability, Lust, Love, and Sacrifice) is used to guide you through the narrative for the book, which in and of itself might not be the most politically correct, but then again who cares. Also, after each section there are text boxes containing questions for the reader to fill out, further allowing the reader to self-reflect on the thoughts offered in the section. Strength coaches should read this and perhaps purchase a few copies to hand out to athletes in dire need of direction.

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