Season 2- The 2022 Seminar Series- Episode 7- Al Vermeil- “You’re never so good you can’t get better”

“You do what they can do, build in what they can do, circumvent the weaknesses and try to get them to that.”

“There’s nothing really new, science has helped us understand the effects of things better, great coaches have made us understand it from their experiences. We’ve all learned from our fairs, unfortunately I’ve made the same mistakes a couple times, which makes me upset.”

“The great ones, relative to your level, do things you can’t coach. Don’t uncoach them.”

In this week’s episode of The Podcast, I have the absolute pleasers of sitting down and talking with Coach Vermeil. Throughout the 100-minute chat we talk about:

1) Two things “Young Coaches” should never stop doing.
2) A simple evaluation that coaches can use and ways to improve upon it
3) Why he feels coaches should start out coaching in high school, and the lessons it taught him.
4) The importance of going to the source, and the originator of ideas
5) What factors he has seen to impact transfer of training to sport
6) The impacts of size and limb length on work capacity on athletes
7) The importance of working on technique when building sport skills
8) How your philosophy is the backbone of what you do as a coach and how coaches can make alterations based off that.

We couldn’t be more excited to have Al on the docket as part of The Richmond Seminar, and hope you’re able to join us July 15 and 16 at The Marriott Short Pump! Tap the link to book your seat today!


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