Today I have the absolute pleasure of introducing our sixth and final presenter for The 2020 Edition of The Seminar, Denver Broncos Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Loren Landow. Loren has worked with world campion fighters, gold medalist and world record setting swimmers, and some of the top players in the National Football League. Loren’s expertise and desire to share to better our vocation of coaching makes him an absolute knockout of an addition to The Seminar, and I hope you’re as excited as I am to welcome him to RVA this July. But enough from me, let’s meet Loren Landow…

JD: If you could, please give our readers a little background information about you, what your niche in the world of athletics is, accomplishments, how you got there, education, any products you have available and/or notable publications.

LL: I am currently the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Denver Broncos for the past 2 seasons.  Additionally, I have held many roles in the profession of Health and Strength/ Performance including Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Operations Manager and Athletic Director for a reputable athletic club, Sports Performance Director of Velocity Sports, Director of Performance for Steadman Hawkins Orthopedics, and Owner/Director of 2 locations of Landow Performance, a private Speed, Strength and Performance Facility.

I have performed NFL Combine training for over 20 years, prepared athletes for their upcoming seasons in the NFL, MLB, NHL, UFC and have prepared multiple medalists and athletes for the Olympic games.  Over my years, I have served as a consultant to multiple NFL and MLB teams along with the USA Women’s National Soccer Team and USA Bobsled and Skeleton Team.

My specialty has always been human movement, from speed development to change of direction.  My niche has been to help athletes become more efficient in their mechanics, to allow them to move faster and hence reduce their likelihood for injury in the process. Through a various blend of mentors (Dan Pfaff, Loren Seagrave, Greg Roskopf, Tom Purvis, and Steven Plisk), I have developed my methodology of human performance.

I have had the opportunity to speak at over 150 National and International Conferences.  Additionally, I have been fortunate enough to be the keynote speaker at the SPRINTZ Conference in New Zealand for two years, keynote speaker at the ASCA Conference in Australia for two years, keynote speaker at the UKSCA Conference in the UK, keynote speaker for Setanta College in Ireland, and keynote speaker for the NSCA National Conference three times.

During my time with Steadman Hawkins, I had the opportunity to develop the ACL Return to Sport Protocols and established prevention protocols for the orthopedic firm.  With my time in all previous endeavors, I have gained a holistic skill set for my current position with the Denver Broncos.  As Strength and Conditioning Coaches, our job is to maximize performance and reduce the likelihood of injury.  However, in high collision/high speed sports, injuries will always be present.  With my extensive background in post-rehab, this skill set is crucial for returning those athletes to the playing field in an efficient time frame as well as in an optimal state of well-being both physically and mentally.

JD: Discuss with us the mistakes you see made by strength and conditioning coaches in the United States and around the world, and what you feel should be done differently/how to correct these issues.

LL: Without knowing a coaches philosophy, rational and context, I try to avoid criticizing any individual person or organization’s methodologies. From an industry standpoint, it is my personal belief that we have far too many “guru’s” on social media platforms.  It seems as if there is a battle to be “more right” in any one subject rather than people wanting to collaborate, brainstorm or have roundtable discussions on a topic.  If we want to make progress in the field, we shouldn’t try to be “more relevant”, but strive for better relationships and having greater mentor/mentee roles.

JD: What advice would you give a coach to improve knowledge in the lines of continuing education, meaning could you point our readers in a direction to find the scientific and practical information to improve the methods they use to improve performance?

LL: Continual personal growth and development should be done through multiple lenses, for example through research journals, text books from well-known Strength and Conditioning authors (ie. Haff, Stone, Siff, Zatsiorsky, Issurin, and McGill) and books on psychosocial behavior (ie. Gladwell and Coyle); in-services, conferences, site visits with other Strength and Conditioning professionals in order to create stronger networks locally with physical therapists/orthopedic doctors/nutritionists/etc to build a multidisciplinary approach. Last but not least, coaching, coaching, coaching with a critical mindset.

JD: If you could give a brief description of what our attendees can expect from you at The Seminar?

LL: Attendees will get a glimpse into my world, philosophy, and my holistic vision for return to play. They will see a framework of decision making and adjustments that are ongoing during the rehabilitation and training process.  Attendees will also take away with them my 6 phase model for return to play for lower extremity injuries encompassing hip, knee, ankle/foot.

Who is Loren Landow?

Loren Landow is a movement and sports performance expert who is renowned for his ability to analyze and correct biomechanics. He is on his 2nd year as the Denver Broncos Head Strength and Conditioning Coach.  In his prior work in the private sector, Coach Landow has trained thousands of athletes of all ages and abilities, including over 700 professional athletes competing in the NFL, NHL, MLB, UFC, and WNBA, as well as Olympic medalists. He has worked with over 70 NFL All-Pros and over 20 NFL Draft first round selections.

In 18 years of preparing pro football hopefuls for the NFL Combine, the heart of Coach Landow’s training philosophy has been to maximize human performance efficiently and effectively, while decreasing the likelihood of injury. His science-based training methods make proper movement mechanics second nature for athletes, allowing them to “do all the right things from the wrong positions” such as those that often manifest in football. He has developed appropriate training protocols relative to individual athletes based on a nuanced understanding of the differences between individual bodies, as well as the biomechanical requirements of football. His sequencing of training and micro progressions drives superior training responses at the optimal times, while developing specific Bio-Motor abilities for football using a unique needs analysis for each athlete.

A National and International presenter for the leading organizations in the performance field, Coach Landow has been a keynote speaker for the NSCA National Conference, the ASCA in Australia, the SPRINTZ Conference in New Zealand, and the UKSCA United Kingdom Conference. He serves as a consultant for the University of Colorado Football Team, MLB Texas Rangers, USA Women’s National Soccer Team, and the USA Bobsled Team. He is the author of two books, My Off-Season with the Denver Broncos: Building a Championship Team (While Nobody’s Watching) and Ultimate Conditioning for Martial Arts.

Coach Landow serves on the Board of Directors for the Exercise Science Program at Metro State University, as well as the Board for the Master’s program for Setanta College in Ireland. He is the Sports Performance Director for Elite Sports University, an online education website, and also developed the ACL prevention program and the ACL return to sport protocols for the Steadman Hawkins Clinic-Denver, Colorado. He maintains his ownership as founder of Landow Performance in Centennial, Colorado.

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