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Sports Performance

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I've been going to Jay's seminar most every year for the last four, five years. I really enjoyed it. The best thing about the whole conference is different than most place you go, is just the camaraderie that you get and the hands-on experience or just the ability to talk to people and coaches from all over and just the social interaction. The presentations are great but really, your [inaudible] made in the evenings when you're sitting around just talking and spit balling things, and it's been really good because I'm a little guy, I'm a totem pole, a high school coach and I get to hang out with people from up to professional ranks, college and beyond, and it's pretty cool because nobody cares about the logo on your shirt, just about helping people get better.

Tony Stewart

For my money, there's really not a better continuing education summer conference/summer seminar out there than what Jay puts on down in Central Virginia in Richmond. The content, the speakers are always topnotch and from all over the world, and more importantly, the folks that come and hang out, and the environment that Jay has put on where everybody stays together and drinks some beers together, and has a good time, talk shop, the level of discussion, the level of interest in the different perspectives are topnotch. Like I said, it's one of the best con ed opportunities that I attend and I've gone several years, I've had the good fortune of speaking at the seminar as well, and I continue to go back because it's just fantastic. The Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar is one of the best out there and you gotta go

Devan McConnell

A couple words about this seminar and everything that Jay DeMayo has done with CVASPS in the past: I will never forget - for years, I had heard about almost what seemed like this underground conference, this place where not - it wasn't just about presentations, it's about the discussions that were going on. It was about all the things that were going on behind the scenes and just the amount of people that went into this open-minded, and I remember that was a big fear of mine when I was a speaker there especially because one year, I was going in and talking about a pretty contentious topic called Dark Side of Leadership that really discussed how a lot of what we think are the most effective coaching strategies in this socially definable realm really aren't and you have to look at other things that most people look at as kind of "dark leadership" traits, and I thought I'd get booed or howled off stage and it was the opposite. That crowd was so open-minded, they asked great questions, they were warm and receptive, so you're going to get quality people and you're going to get quality information, and it's going to stimulate and promote a lot thought. Be sure to check it out, any time Jay does a seminar.

Brett Bartholomew

I flew across from Australia, based my troop around the seminar, and it was unbelievable. Jay put on some great speakers, it's topnotch information, stuff I could put in Australia to practice, but I guess for me, the major thing I took away from it was just the relationships and bouncing ideas off of other great coaches who are all in attendance. I've built a lot of relationships there, guys I still chat with and I keep in contact with. Unfortunately, I can't be there this year because of work, but I'm glad because once again, the lineup looks unbelievable and I highly recommend it to any coach, yeah.

Graeme Morris

Biggest reason why I think it's the best seminar that I have been to in strength and conditioning is simply the experience, not only the people that Jay brings in to present, but the environment that is built there through the smaller groups, through the meet and greets, through getting your questions answered and being able to talk to the presenters not only during their actual presentation but after in that small family-like environment is the reason why I'll come back every single year. I've met tons of people there that I've networked with that I did know before, but also I've hired people that I did not know before just through meeting and talking, and sharing ideas, and continuing to do that after and getting excited to come back each and every year is why I'm there and why I'm going to be there this year in July, so I look forward to seeing you guys.

Chris McCormick

It's one of my favorite conferences in the country, there's no other conference that you're going to meet this type of network of people and just great strength coaches, open and honest sharing, that's backed upped by just great presentations, current training research, current best practices in sports science and athlete monitoring, and the speakers, the presentations just serve as a gateway to ask meta-questions and lead to better discussions amongst the audience and the presenters. So it's the only conference that you have this type of intimacy and you're able to network and associate with some of the biggest names in the field. When I was a first year strength coach and one year removed from my GA, my first year a full-time strength coach, I'm at this seminar hanging out with Cal Dietz and Jim Snider, and Dr. Mann and Jay DeMayo and we're just having these really in-depth discussions after the seminar was over and there's no other conference in the country that you're going to have this type of setting in this type of environment in this type of field, so I really appreciate you, Jay DeMayo, I appreciate everything that you've been doing. Really looking forward to the seminar this July. Hopefully, I'll see a lot of you guys there.

Sean Conaty

I've been going there as long as I can remember and as long as Jay would have me. But really, when it comes to continuing education, there's really no better event out there. At least here in the United States, understanding that you could kind of hit it from the private sector to the college sector, to pro sector, and then also looking at kind of like where history came from, right? One of the things I've been so fortunate enough to be around with Jay is just learning kind of why we do what we do and what has came before us so we could move the industry forward. It's hard to do that if we don't know where we came from and where the results are from, and kind of who founded that. Jay has done an amazing job from the presenters to just the attendees. In my opinion, it's like you learn more from just the audience members than you do sometimes from the presenters because they're going to mingle and you're going to learn so much. The sponsors, the affiliates, people involved, they all are just great people, people that became lifelong friends for me, so I encourage you guys to show up. I know it's something that I'll bring my staff to every year, and I'm just pumped that it's going to happen again this year. Looking forward to it, hope to see you guys there.

Justin Kavanaugh

I have attended Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar three of the past four years, only missing 2016, I believe, due to finishing my graduate degree in Australia. Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar in every way is a first-class experience. The education is always topnotch, like the lineup of speaker is always outstanding. The networking and connection that you have the opportunity to develop due to the structure, the schedule, the dorms have been outstanding. I know that that's changing this year which will hopefully only enhance the experience, but I've never had a bad experience there and I've connected and stayed connected with several people that I've either shared a room with or I've met through that experience and I just cannot speak more highly of what you experience when you choose to get out to Richmond. I'm grateful for every part of it, and I appreciate Jay for taking the time and energy to make something like that happen year in and year out. I'm in the process of starting my own seminar here in south Texas, so having a little bit of an understanding of what it takes to get something like that rolling just enhances my gratitude for that, so I really appreciate what he does and what that experience does for everyone who attends every year, and I hope that you choose to attend.

Daniel Martinez

I really don’t think you can put into words the enormity of how great this clinic is and what Jay does for our organization and our profession. It was a tremendous honor and humbling experience for me to speak here, but more importantly to sit in the audience and take notes and learn, from some of the best in the business. People who I’ve always admired and I’ve acknowledged in my references and given credit to helping increase my knowledge about the field of physical preparation and stress management as an athletic coach.

Buddy Morris
image of Tony Stewart
image of Devan McConnell
image of Brett Bartholomew
image of Graeme Morris
image of Chris McCormick
image of Sean Conaty
image of Justin Kavanaugh
image of Daniel Martinez
image of Buddy Morris
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