On July 15th & 16th, 2016, on the beautiful campus of The University of Richmond in Richmond, VA Central Virginia Sport Performance hosted their sixth annual Seminar. For this year’s CVASPS we stepped it up another notch, bringing back many of the favorites from past years, and introducing some new presenters as well. The lineup was as follows:
Bob Alejo: North Carolina State University
Bob Alejo’s Introductory Q and A<
“The CVASP Podcast Episode 28 2016 Presenter Bob Alejo”
Sam Coad: University of Oklahoma
Sam Coad’s Introductory Q and A
“The CVASP Podcast Episode 21-Sam Coad”
Carl Valle – Director of Innovation, Insidetracker
Carl Valle’s Introductory Q and A
“The CVASP Podcast Ep 4-Carl Valle, Inside Tracker”
Henk Kraaijenhof: Dutch Sprint Coach
Henk Kraaijenhof’s Introductory Q and A
“The CVASP Podcast Episode 17: Athlete Profiling, Henk Kraaijenhof”
Randy Ballard: Interim Director of Sports Medicine/Director of Integrated Performance, University of Illinois
Derek Hansen: NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Derek Hansen’s Introductory Q and A
“Derek Hansen 2016 Presenter/SpeedPowerStrength.com:Speed Power & Strength”
This fantastic lineup consisting of the best of the best from around the world for the best in professional development opportunity for anyone involved in athletic performance. With some of the best scientific and coaching minds in the world this seminar for only $200 is a steal! Order your digital copy of the 2016 CVASPS Seminar TODAY!