The Drew Review: The Manual Vol. 3 Chapter 7: ACL Tears: A Plan That Helped Us Avoid Them by Bryan Mann

“…get stronger, counter the mechanisms, and do warmups with components to decrease the risk of the tear.” –B. Mann

The reason I chose the quote before this review of The Manual Vol. 3 Chapter 7 is because the quote encapsulates the simplistic way Dr. Mann prevented ACL tears when he was first starting out as a strength coach. In the first part of the chapter Dr. Mann describes the exercise parameters he used to convey what was “strong enough” for his athletes (primarily women soccer athletes). Then there is a transition into the muscular, neurological, and skeletal mechanics in and around the knee. The last part provides the components of the effective warm up used in this case study. Read the chapter to find the results, but what strength coaches will take from reading this chapter is that there are a lot of variables to consider when it comes to injury prevention. Most solutions can be thought of logically, but others need to be address after a little research.

To pick up your copy of The Manual, Vol. 3, follow the link here:


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