The Drew Review: Triphasic Training: A Systematic Approach to Elite Speed and Explosive Strength Performance, by Cal Dietz and Ben Peterson

drew-review“The key to improved sport performance is producing more force in less time.” – C. Dietz and B. Peterson
As a strength coach; I am sure you have come across or heard about this book one way or another. Triphasic Training was a book I had wanted to read for a while and I am glad I did. There were a lot of easy to follow conceptual pieces to the triphasic undulating block system which made the book a quick read for me. Dietz and Peterson’s collaboration works well with clear and concise points while also providing more than enough examples in the real world application of triphasic training to further understand the system. Also, Dietz and Peterson realize this isn’t the “gold standard” of all systems, but it has been what has worked for them and it is nice to read a book with open honest sharing of ideas.

cd940eed-3f0a-424f-b7d1-a01cae812aafThere are 7 sections that make up Triphasic Training, and I like the structure of the book because it starts from the where this theory of training came from and then finishes with the building blocks for triphasic training. Throughout the later parts of the book there are video references associated with the programming highlights, all of which can still be found on YouTube. My opinion is every strength coach should read Triphasic Training, because it is a system that is easy to understand but has room for your own interpretation as it relates to the athletes you train. Just remember it’s all about the “V”.

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