The Drew Review: The Manual Vol. 2, Chapter 8: A Look into the Long Term Development of Soccer Players by Mike Robertson

drew-review“It’s my job to maximize each athlete’s strengths, while minimizing his or her weaknesses.”- M. Robertson

Chapter 8 of The Manual Vol. 2 is a perfect read for any strength coach that works with soccer.  Soccer is a sport that can be hard to deal with on a regular basis (and that’s just the sport coach side of the things). Robertson (IFAST) provides such a clear system of development from the youth level all the way to the elite level. Also, the principles of training presented throughout the chapter are basic enough to understand and manipulate to address your own teams’ needs. Along with the training principles, I appreciated the real world examples and candor Robertson uses, the material was really easy to read because of it.  I abb4e898-e204-4514-8d17-e12e0bcf1796would have liked to have seen more explanation for the training done during the preseason and in-season periods because the end of the chapter felt rushed, but the points are there. Strength coaches will find in this chapter a self-help guide to creating a yearly model of training for soccer players, which will help you get buy-in to your program from athletes and coaches.

Click here to pick up your copy of The Manual, Vol. 2


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