Season 4 Episode 26 Aaron Abraham- “Energy, Effort, and Intensity”

I am elated to welcome Aaron Abraham to The Podcast this week. Aaron is doing some really awesome work up at Eastern Michigan. His voyage to EMU is one that many have looked at and turned their nose up at, but as a guy who started at a Division III school I have a ton of respect for coaches who start at DII and DIII because of the unique perspectives that you can gain at those levels.

  • Pros of working at a Division II school for a starting point in your professional evolution
  • What the impact of being the son of immigrants on work ethic and humility
  • The leadership role he feels that we can play as a vocation including examples that he utilizes
  • Three terms that he teaches to dictate how the program will progress, that have nothing to do with progressions
  • Advice for coaches who are rotating in internships and could possibly be getting frustrated about it
  • Ways he has found success connecting with other practitioners, and its effect on the projection of his career.

There are so many great lessons that I learned as a DIII strength coach, and I’m so happy to hear a similar story from Aaron. A great voyage to EMU that lead to a great strength coach working in the MAC in college basketball, it really hits close to home with Old Greybeard. Aaron is doing some fantastic work up at EMU, so make sure you give him a follow on x @strengthcoacha and on IG at @strengthcoachabe to keep up with everything he’s got cooking and make sure to sign up for the newsletter while you’re checking out his content! There’s so much value in Aaron’s journey and the lessons he shared today, and I took a ton from this conversation. If you found value in it as well please feel free to share the show with a colleague, and if you haven’t yet, please subscribe to the show on our favorite podcast player to stay up to date with all our shows.


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