Season 4 Episode 11- Dan Fichter- “Movement is the window into your brain”

In a season of “long time coming” guests, I am so excited to get to welcome Wannabefast’s Dan Fichter. Dan is doing absolutely fantastic work in the 585, and is one of (in my opinion) the most forward-thinking practitioners in the world. Though out the nearly 40-minute conversation, Dan and I get into:

  • “What Matters” in strength and conditioning in Dan’s eyes
  • Voluntary movement vs, reflexive, vs anticipatory
  • Where technique fits in movement work
  • If there is one thing that all athletes “have to work towards” what would that be?
  • The future direction of our vocation, and how can we evolve with the future of coaching?
  • What brought Dan to start running down the neurological rabbit hole and where does he suggest we can start educating ourselves on the topic.
  • Unintended consequences to lifting weights and what can be done to counteract that.

The unique lens that Dan looks through to evaluate how athletes perform is one that more of us need to take a step back and peer through. This conversation has led me to reevaluate so many of the progressions and programming that we have set. I can’t thank Dan enough for being so open with us today, and challenging me to understand a totally different perspective, one that I know holds immense value. This is a show was really fun and the conversation really opened my eyes, and I hope you found as much value in it as I did. If you did, please share this conversation with a practitioner who could find value in it as well, and if you haven’t subscribed to the show and left us a review, if you could do that as well I’d greatly appreciate it.

Who is Dan Fichter?

Dan Fichter has been involved in strength and conditioning for well over 20 years, Wannagetfast became a reality in his garage in the early 2000s. With Boots on the ground in the early 90’s Dan has studied closely with some of the elites in the field of physical preparation.  Dan has a very diverse education that literally spans the globe. Dan was responsible for designing and implementing speed, strength, conditioning, and mobility training programs for athletes in men’s lacrosse, alpine ski, volleyball, tennis, swimming, basketball, Football, lacrosse, and a variety of other sports. As a high school coach Dan has won 8 Sectional Titles in Track and Football and has coached numerous professional athletes, Olympians, and some of the most high-profile Hockey and Lacrosse players in the world.  

Fichter has traveled the country lecturing to numerous NFL, MLB, NHL, on speed training, strength training, and nervous system development and how to pull these elements into a comprehensive package.  At the High School level Dan teaches fundamental postural and force absorption techniques and how it easily translates into sporting prowess and bullet proofing against injuries


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