The Manual Vol.1 AND Developing Explosive Athletes: Use of Velocity Based Training in Training Athletes


Get these 2 amazing books in one amazing packaged deal!


Get these 2 amazing books in one amazing packaged deal!

THE MANUAL VOL. 1, is the first publication from Central Virginia Sport Performance. In THE MANUAL VOL. 1, you will find chapters from ten individuals who have had an immense impact on everything we do at CVASP. Our hope with this book is that each reader takes something useful from the information presented that they can use to make their athletes perform better. Whether that is through respiratory muscle training (Chpt.10), velocity based training (Chpt. 7), or even training based on muscle fiber type (Chpt. 5).


  • Quick and concise chapters that are easy to read.
  • 161 pages of practical considerations for strength and conditioning coaches to use immediately with their athletes.
  • In-depth examples and personal experiences from each author that the reader can easily apply to their own situations no matter what level the coach or athlete.
  • Brief bios for each author at the end of their respective chapter that describes the impact they have had on the strength and conditioning field.

DEVELOPING EXPLOSIVE ATHLETES: USE OF VELOCITY BASED TRAINING IN TRAINING ATHLETES by Bryan Mann, PhD who has spent years in research, working with athletes and contemporary technology companies to explore velocity based training applications. This third edition of Developing Explosive Athletes has several improved and enhanced content features. In addition to all of the original information on the use and application of VBT, it includes insights into new technologies for velocity based training. It also explores some of the application based nuances which have been revealed since this book’s first printing. In short, as the author puts it, velocity based training is a road map to more precise and effective training means.


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