Season 4 Episode 11- 2024 Presenter Dr. Mike Davis- “You have to ask yourself, why are you here?”

I could not be more excited to introduce our 3rd presenter for The 2024 edition of The Central Virginia Sport Performance Seminar, Dr. Mike Davis. Mike has one of the most unique thought processes when it comes to performance and rehabilitation that I’ve ever come across. Mike is one of those people who I’ve never had a conversation through any medium that I haven’t walked away and reevaluated something that I’m doing, and that could be professionally or personally. Throughout the fantastic hour discussion Dr. Davis and I get into:
1) What it means to be a pursuer of truth
2) Collaborations role, both within your staff and with the athletes, and how positive relationships drive improvements in those collaborations
3) How performance staffs need to be on the same page, but also need to understand that there needs to be some boundaries to what you’re responsible for
4) The value of knowing “why are they here” in all forms of prescription
5) What evaluations and systems are set in place to ensure we are providing the proper stressors for each individual situation
6) Our definitions of selfish, and how being selfish can be both a pro and a con in professional situations
7) History’s role in what we do, and the value in understanding the history of physical culture
8) Asking Questions vs Questioning, why it’s misinterpreted and why it can lead to growth
I’m so excited to have gotten to catch up Dr. Davis and have him on The Podcast, and cannot wait to have him here for The 2024 Edition of The Seminar, and this back and forth conversation is exactly why. Mike has always been a person who has challenged me to be better in so many different realms of life, and I’m truly grateful for that. Make sure you give him a follow and keep up with Dr. Davis on X @ MikeDavisDPT. This conversation, just like every conversation I have with Mike makes me think a bit differently, and I hope it has had the same effect on you. If you found value in the show please help me out with three things: 1st, please share the show with a colleague that would find value in the show; 2nd, if you haven’t subscribed on your favorite podcast platform please do; and 3rd, if you wouldn’t mind leaving us a review on our podcast player of choice I’d truly appreciate it.



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